Michael Goodwin
This is an author.
Political affiliation: Has political affiliation::
Items by this author:
- Anti-Israel sharks sniff O's weakness (Topic: Gaza flotilla raid, Position: Israel was justified in its actions, Stance: for)
- Dems jump gun on Iraq (Topic: Post-invasion Iraq, Position: Coalition troops should pull out, Stance: against)
- Don't play the bigotry card, Mike! (Topic: Park51 controversy, Position: Mosque should be allowed to be built, Stance: against)
- Full speed sideways (Topic: Nomination of Robert Gates as U.S. Secretary of Defense, Position: Gates was a good choice, Stance: for)
- Just one dog in the hunt (Topic: Iranian nuclear crisis, Position: Economic sanctions should be imposed on Iran, Stance: for)
- O's ego booster shot (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: for)
- Obama puts politics over morals in abdicating presidential authority in Syria (Topic: Syrian civil war, Position: United States should intervene, Stance: for)
- ObamaCare fibs make President the year’s biggest liar (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: for)
- Stupidity breeds contempt (Topic: Economic crisis of 2008, Position: United States should bail out the banking industry, Stance: against)
- The terror kings win (Topic: 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict, Position: Israel was right to agree to a cease-fire, Stance: against)
- The wrong way home (Topic: Post-invasion Iraq, Position: Coalition troops should pull out, Stance: against)
- This trial's an error (Topic: United States v. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, et al., Position: Trial should be held in criminal court, Stance: against)
- Why we fear Bam big gov't (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: against)