2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict
This is the approved revision of this page, as well as being the most recent.
- For more information, see the Wikipedia article "2006 Lebanon War"
This is a topic, with start date July 12, 2006 and end date August 19, 2006.
Its theme(s) are Middle East, War.
Summary of positions for this topic
- Israel was right to attack Lebanon (25 items)
- United States should take Israel's side (3 items)
- United States should negotiate with Syria (6 items)
- United States should negotiate with Iran (5 items)
- United States should call for a cease-fire (4 items)
- Israel was right to agree to a cease-fire (10 items)
- United Nations should disarm Hezbollah (9 items)
- France should commit more troops (11 items)
- Israel should attack Syria (4 items)
- Britain should negotiate with Hezbollah (1 items)
Full listing
Click on position names to view quotes from each listed item.
No stated opinion
Terrorism Causes Occupation, Not Vice Versa by Alan Dershowitz (The Huffington Post, 8/11/2006) (view)
France should commit more troops
The Perils of Using 'The Allies' by Charles Krauthammer (The Washington Post, August 25, 2006) (view)
If Europe doesn't want Middle East war to begin again, it has to step up by Jonathan Freedland (The Guardian, August 23, 2006) (view)
Stepping up to the plate in Lebanon by Financial Times editorial board (Financial Times, August 22, 2006) (view)
French Follies by Investor's Business Daily editorial board (Investor's Business Daily, 8/21/2006) (view)
Waiting for Jacques by The New York Times editorial board (The New York Times, August 21, 2006) (view)
With doublespeaking France, honor gets lost in translation by Jules Crittenden (Boston Herald, August 20, 2006) (view)
Not worth the paper it's written on by New York Daily News editorial board (New York Daily News, August 19, 2006) (view)
Britain should negotiate with Hezbollah
It is time to start dancing with the wolves by Michael Ancram (The Independent, August 24, 2006) (view)
Israel should attack Syria
United Nations should disarm Hezbollah
Not worth the paper it's written on by New York Daily News editorial board (New York Daily News, August 19, 2006) (view)
The pundits' platitudes do nothing to solve this crisis by Simon Jenkins (The Guardian, August 9, 2006) (view)
The humanitarian urge is morphing into thirst for war by Simon Jenkins (The Guardian, July 25, 2006) (view)
Israel was right to agree to a cease-fire
Israel was right to attack Lebanon
Advocates of 'proportion' are just unbalanced by Mark Steyn (Chicago Sun-Times, August 6, 2006) (view)
'Disproportionate' in What Moral Universe? by Charles Krauthammer (The Washington Post, July 28, 2006) (view)
As Israel Goes for Withdrawal, Its Enemies Go Berserk by David Brooks (The New York Times, July 16, 2006) (view)
Hitting targets in Gaza, Lebanon simply self-defense by Uri Dromi (The Miami Herald, July 14, 2006) (view)
It's not only about Israel, Ms. Rice by Rami G. Khouri (International Herald Tribune, 7/25/2006) (view)
Stop laughing, it's US policy that's the joke by Mike Carlton (The Sydney Morning Herald, July 22, 2006) (view)
United States should negotiate with Syria
United States should negotiate with Iran
United States should call for a cease-fire
United States should take Israel's side
It's not only about Israel, Ms. Rice by Rami G. Khouri (International Herald Tribune, 7/25/2006) (view)
All items that address this topic (65 total)