New York State cap on charter schools / Should be lifted

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Position: Should be lifted

This position addresses the topic New York State cap on charter schools.

For this position

"How much longer will thousands upon thousands of kids in New York be denied the chance to escape rotten, ineffective public schools for spots at innovative new charter schools that every day prove their ability to get the job done where the traditional system has failed?"
From Free Children From These 'Prisons', by Ryan Sager (New York Post, July 20, 2006) (view)
"All charters aren't successful, but the bad ones tend to close in due course, which is a good thing and more than can be said for failing traditional public schools. As for the rest, they are providing a fast-growing option for underprivileged children. This irks unions, school boards and others with a vested interest in a public school monopoly that's failing to educate millions of kids."
From Charter School Nonsense, by The Wall Street Journal editorial board (The Wall Street Journal, August 28, 2006) (view)

Against this position

"Regrettably, some state lawmakers want to lift the cap on charter schools, which are publicly funded but largely free of the bureaucracy in public schools, on the grounds that they offer low-income parents a choice for their children's education. But what kind of choice is it if the local charter school isn't keeping pace with the public schools?"
From Charter school lessons, by Times Union editorial board (Times Union, September 5, 2006) (view)
"But before even a modest increase in the cap on the number of charter schools, the state should conduct an objective study of whether this experiment merits any continuation or expansion."
From Charter schools need objective study, by Tom Nespeca (Democrat and Chronicle, July 17, 2006) (view)

Mixed on this position

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