He's Baaaack: John Bolton ... Still Bad for America

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Author(s) Arianna Huffington
Source The Huffington Post
Date August 31, 2006
URL http://www.huffingtonpost.com/arianna-huffington/hes-baaaack-john-bolton_b_28459.html
"Democrats looking for a clear message on national security cannot afford to miss this opportunity to block the nomination of a man who personifies the failed Bush foreign policy. After all, it shouldn't be beyond our capacity to have a UN ambassador who is both pro-Israel and capable of fostering good relations with the rest of our allies while keeping Iraq on his front burner."

The following other items refer to this item: Arianna in a Huff Over John Bolton

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This item argues against the position Bolton should be confirmed on the topic Confirmation of John Bolton as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, 2006.

This item argues for the position Confirmation should be filibustered on the topic Confirmation of John Bolton as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, 2006.