U.S., E.U. must stay the course on Russian sanctions over Ukraine

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Author(s) The Washington Post editorial board
Source The Washington Post
Date March 19, 2014
URL http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/us-eu-must-stay-the-course-on-russian-sanctions-over-ukraine/2014/03/15/ceb4b94a-aba1-11e3-98f6-8e3c562f9996_story.html
Western strategy must also fulfill the warning issued by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who said the invasion would “cause massive damage to Russia, economically and politically.” That means, at a minimum, excluding Moscow from the Group of Eight and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which it is seeking to join. It also requires expanding sanctions from individuals to sectors — starting with the Russian banking system, which should be cut off from U.S. and European markets.

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This item argues for the position Economic sanctions should be imposed on Russia on the topic 2014 Russian military intervention in Ukraine.