Time to muzzle Libya’s mad dog

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Author(s) Financial Times editorial board
Source Financial Times
Date February 24, 2011
URL http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/ea52af7a-4053-11e0-9140-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1GQQkDlVe
True, the acquiescence of China and Russia would be needed for the council to act, and they have historically been sensitive to anything that infringes national sovereignty. But it would be hard for those countries to justify blocking a resolution, given Col Gaddafi’s increasingly unhinged threats. In the wake of the Rwandan massacres, the council has moreover come to accept that there is a general "responsibility to protect" populations from atrocities perpetrated by their rulers.

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This item argues for the position United States should impose a no-fly zone on the topic 2011 Libyan uprising.