The Orange County Register

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For more information, see the Wikipedia article "The Orange County Register"

This is a source.

Publication type: Newspaper

Circulation: 330,000

Country of origin: United States

Language of publication: English


Opinion items that have appeared in this source:

Title Author Date Topic
Obamacare at 5: Sick and getting worse Mark Landsbaum November 14, 2015 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Obama nixes pipeline The Orange County Register editorial board February 24, 2015 Keystone XL pipeline
After Obamacare, what? The Orange County Register editorial board January 31, 2014 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
A dose of reality for Obamacare The Orange County Register editorial board November 1, 2013 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Obamacare vs. the young The Orange County Register editorial board February 14, 2013 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Obamacare regulations impose heavy costs The Orange County Register editorial board October 19, 2012 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Obamacare darkens U.S. fiscal outlook The Orange County Register editorial board April 11, 2012 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Just reading Obamacare cruel and unusual punishment Mark Steyn March 30, 2012 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Americans resisting Obamacare Michael Tanner March 1, 2012 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
If there's no mission, when’s it accomplished? Mark Steyn April 1, 2011 2011 Libyan uprising
Do-gooders in a land with no good guys Mark Steyn March 25, 2011 2011 Libyan uprising
Proceed with caution on military intervention in Libya The Orange County Register editorial board March 10, 2011 2011 Libyan uprising
On Libya, too many questions George F. Will March 8, 2011 2011 Libyan uprising
Obamacare unconstitutional The Orange County Register editorial board January 31, 2011 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Death panels, maybe. Rationing, probably The Orange County Register editorial board December 28, 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
New START is a bad deal at any time Conn Carroll December 7, 2010 New START
Legal threats to Obamacare advance The Orange County Register editorial board October 22, 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Health care reform, after Obamacare The Orange County Register editorial board July 27, 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Spill no justification for cap-and-trade scheme The Orange County Register editorial board June 16, 2010 American Clean Energy and Security Act
Contempt for Israel also contempt for U.S. Mark Steyn June 4, 2010 Gaza flotilla raid
Dark dawn of deemocracy Mark Steyn March 19, 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Obamacare, whether you want it or not Ron Hart March 9, 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Obamacare worth the price to Democrats Mark Steyn March 5, 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Like your health plan? Read this Michael Tanner August 26, 2009 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Obama playing defense The Orange County Register editorial board July 24, 2009 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Climate change bill all pain, no gain The Orange County Register editorial board June 26, 2009 American Clean Energy and Security Act
Cap-and-trade stumbling in D.C. The Orange County Register editorial board May 10, 2009 American Clean Energy and Security Act
Road to dependency The Orange County Register editorial board February 18, 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Obama mythology could use some stimulus Mark Steyn February 6, 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Stimulated right into being another Europe Mark Steyn January 30, 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
A profoundly bad idea; you can bank on it The Orange County Register editorial board January 27, 2009 Economic crisis of 2008
Big Government meets corporate welfare Steven Greenhut September 27, 2008 Economic crisis of 2008
The real war on children Mark Steyn October 20, 2007 State Children's Health Insurance Program
They wait for us to run again Mark Steyn August 25, 2007 Post-invasion Iraq
Impudent citizens got Sen. Lotthorn's goat Mark Steyn July 1, 2007 Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007
A lame joke becomes reality Mark Steyn June 10, 2007 Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007
GOP seems ready to be fooled twice Steven Greenhut August 27, 2006 California gubernatorial election, 2006
Justices insist on 'civilized' war on terror Mark Steyn July 2, 2006 Hamdan v. Rumsfeld