Rich Lowry
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- For more information, see the Wikipedia article "Rich Lowry"
This is an author.
Political affiliation: Conservative
Items by this author:
- A Blast at the Lamont Doctrine (Topic: North Korean nuclear crisis, Position: Economic sanctions should be placed on North Korea, Stance: for)
- A Blast at the Lamont Doctrine (Topic: North Korean nuclear crisis, Position: United States should negotiate with North Korea, Stance: against)
- A Poor START (Topic: New START, Position: Treaty should be ratified, Stance: against)
- Abandonment (Topic: Post-invasion Iraq, Position: Coalition troops should pull out, Stance: against)
- Abandonment (Topic: Post-invasion Iraq, Position: Iraq Study Group's recommendations should be followed, Stance: against)
- Against Half-Measures (Topic: Post-invasion Iraq, Position: United States should increase troop levels, Stance: for)
- Another Rank Deal (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: against)
- Bloomberg's bunk (Topic: Park51 controversy, Position: Mosque should be allowed to be built, Stance: against)
- Bush's Vietnam? (Topic: Post-invasion Iraq, Position: United States should change its approach, Stance: for)
- Dem win is built on sand (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: for)
- Hamas’ useful idiots (Topic: Operation Protective Edge, Position: Israel was justified in its actions, Stance: for)
- Here come 'death panels' (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: for)
- Joke's on Arizona (Topic: United States of America v. Arizona, Position: Judge Bolton's ruling was justified, Stance: against)
- Marching off a cliff (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: against)
- McCain anti-torture amendment is pure political grandstanding (Topic: McCain Detainee Amendment, Position: Amendment should be passed, Stance: against)
- McCain's Dubious High Ground (Topic: Military Commissions Act of 2006, Position: Competing Graham-McCain-Warner bill should be passed, Stance: against)
- Naked cynicism (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: for)
- ObamaCare’s death spiral, stage one: Denial (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: for)
- Obamacare’s Great Unraveling (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: for)
- Reinforce Baghdad (Topic: Post-invasion Iraq, Position: Coalition troops should pull out, Stance: against)
- Reinforce Baghdad (Topic: Post-invasion Iraq, Position: United States should increase troop levels, Stance: for)
- Shut up, he argues (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: for)
- Sorry, O: 'I Won' Won't Cover This (Topic: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: against)
- Thanks for clarifying, O (Topic: Park51 controversy, Position: Mosque should be allowed to be built, Stance: against)
- That pesky 1st Amendment: Liberals’ gripe with free speech (Topic: McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission, Position: Supreme Court voted correctly, Stance: for)
- The 'Stupid' Strategy (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: against)
- The Children’s Crusade — for Socialized Medicine (Topic: State Children's Health Insurance Program, Position: Program should be expanded, Stance: against)
- The good war: A double standard for Afghanistan (Topic: Post-invasion Iraq, Position: Coalition troops should pull out, Stance: against)
- The hypocrisy of 'US v. Arizona' (Topic: United States of America v. Arizona, Position: Lawsuit was justified, Stance: against)
- The rapid collapse of ObamaCare (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: for)
- The scariest defense for ObamaCare
- Unreality-Based (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: against)
- We're All Neanderthals Now (Topic: Illegal immigration to the United States, Position: United States should build a fence along Mexican border, Stance: for)
- When Maynard Met Nancy (Topic: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: against)
- Written to fail (Topic: American Clean Energy and Security Act, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: against)