Page values for "Obama Rewrites ObamaCare"

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"_pageData" values

1 row is stored for this page
FieldField typeValue
_creationDateDatetimeFebruary 13, 2014 12:21:10 PM
_modificationDateDatetimeFebruary 13, 2014 12:21:10 PM
_creatorStringYaron Koren
_fullTextSearchtext{{Item |author=The Wall Street Journal editorial board, |source=The Wall Street Journal |date=February 10, 2014 |url= |quote=Well, which is it? Either ObamaCare is ushering in a worker's paradise, in which case by the Wh ...
_categoriesList of String, delimiter: |Items
_pageNameOrRedirectStringObama Rewrites ObamaCare
_lastEditorStringYaron Koren
_pageNamePageObama Rewrites ObamaCare

Obama Rewrites ObamaCare


"Opinions" values

1 row is stored for this page
FieldField typeAllowed valuesValue
TopicPagePatient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Position_fragmentStringAct should not have been passed
PositionPagePatient Protection and Affordable Care Act / Act should not have been passed

Act should not have been passed

StanceStringfor · mixed · againstfor

"Items" values

1 row is stored for this page
FieldField typeValue
AuthorList of Page, delimiter: ,The Wall Street Journal editorial board
SourcePageThe Wall Street Journal
DateDateFebruary 10, 2014
QuoteTextWell, which is it? Either ObamaCare is ushering in a worker's paradise, in which case by the White House's own logic exempting businesses from its ministrations is harming employees. Or else the mandate really is leading business to cut back on hiring, hours and shifting workers to part-time as the evidence in the real economy suggests.

Obama Rewrites ObamaCare by The Wall Street Journal editorial board (The Wall Street Journal, February 10, 2014) (view)