Matthew Continetti
- For more information, see the Wikipedia article "Matthew Continetti"
This is an author.
Political affiliation: Has political affiliation::
Items by this author:
- A Year of Magical Thinking (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: against)
- Change That Matters (Topic: Post-invasion Iraq, Position: Coalition troops should pull out, Stance: against)
- Hear No Evil (Topic: Protect America Act of 2007, Position: Act should be renewed, Stance: for)
- The "Don't Protect America" Democrats (Topic: Protect America Act of 2007, Position: Act should be renewed, Stance: for)
- The Obamacare Follies (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should not have been passed, Stance: for)
- The Process Is the Substance (Topic: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: against)
- The Right Stimulus (Topic: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Position: Act should be passed, Stance: against)
- When It Comes to Iran, the Obama Administration’s Willful Blindness Is Astounding (Topic: Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, Position: Plan is beneficial, Stance: against)