Obamacare’s contract problem

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Author(s) George F. Will
Source The Washington Post
Date March 23, 2012
URL http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/obamacares-rewriting-of-contract-law/2012/03/23/gIQAVuFmWS_story.html
Quotes-start.png The brief, the primary authors of which are the IJ’s Elizabeth Price Foley and Steve Simpson, says that Obamacare is the first time Congress has used its power to regulate commerce to produce a law “from which there is no escape.” And “coercing commercial transactions” — compelling individuals to sign contracts with insurance companies — “is antithetical to the foundational principle of mutual assent that permeated the common law of contracts at the time of the founding and continues to do so today.” Quotes-end.png

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This item argues for the position Act is unconstitutional on the topic Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.